March 14, 2025


Krishan Dev Sethi : A witness of the History of JK

Krishan Dev Sethi : A witness of the History of JK

The people of that area were oppressed and subjected to worst treatment. Feudalism, landlordism, moneylenders, everything was there. And there was repression from the British government and Maharaja as well. We were in school those days, and this ill treatment did not let us to be mute spectators. We started resistance against this oppression when our age was just around 15 years.

The lessons of History- A Book

The lessons of History- A Book

Have you leaned more about human nature than the man in the street can learn without so much as opening a book? Have you derived from history any illumination of our present condition, any guidance for our judgments and policies, any guard against the rebuffs of surprise or the vicissitudes of change?

Diplomatic History of Jammu Kashmir

Diplomatic History of Jammu Kashmir

Kashmir’s importance to India and Pakistan lies mainly for its strategic geographic location and water resources. Kashmir provides direct access to China on the northeast, Afghanistan and Turkestan on the northwest, and both India and Pakistan on the south.


What is the best Solution of Jammu Kashmir Dispute?