90 percent in Kashmir wants independence: Reuters Survey Report
“Only 3 percent of the mainly Muslim inhabitants of the city think Kashmir should become part of Pakistan, and 7 percent prefer Indian rule, the poll said,” Reuters in Report
“Only 3 percent of the mainly Muslim inhabitants of the city think Kashmir should become part of Pakistan, and 7 percent prefer Indian rule, the poll said,” Reuters in Report
“Let the people of Kashmir decide what they want,” he said in an interview with Deutsche Welle. “Pakistan is ready for a referendum or a plebiscite.
“We continue to be very concerned by reports of detentions, and continued restrictions on the residents of the region,” a senior State Department official told reporters.
He said that this world body has testified our stand that Indian armed forces under the undemocratic and unethical shield of legal impunity continue the genocide of Kashmiris, with bullets, pellets, torture, rape, humiliation and incarceration.
Kashmir is a powder keg, a nuclear flashpoint in South Asia. This dispute has consumed more than 5 lakh lives only from 1947. Kashmir which is having 5000-year-old history was an independent country till it lost its sovereignty at the hands of Mughals on 1585 A.D.