Column | Drug addiction: A talk on ways forward
Before treating and looking for the policies and ways forward to stop this menace all I tried to find the reasons that why do people take drugs?
Before treating and looking for the policies and ways forward to stop this menace all I tried to find the reasons that why do people take drugs?
India in the arrogance of power is brutalizing the people of Kashmir, and the fact is it is never going to get any solution and if the people of Jammu and Kashmir are raising the voices against the tyrannical rule of India the killings or the least is Imprisonment as the form of punishment. There are gross human rights violations in Kashmir so India should stop its brutality in Kashmir and as a concerned citizen of the State we request to:
The book “Kashmir Misgovernment” is divided into four main chapters and an Introduction section, in which Gulab Singh Dogra’s loyalty to the British government is being shown swankily, primarily this section reveals that how the British Government brought the Gulab Singh Dogra’s subjugation to Kashmir.
This freedom was not possible without the hardships of forefathers of Indian soil and its because of all those sacrifices today, Indian Citizens can enjoy the freedom and breathe fresh air without any occupation.