February 10, 2025

A Letter to the People of India on their Independent Day from Jammu Kashmir

This freedom was not possible without the hardships of forefathers of Indian soil and its because of all those sacrifices today, Indian Citizens can enjoy the freedom and breathe fresh air without any occupation.

Today India is celebrating the 73rd anniversary of its independence day. 15 August is an auspicious occasion for all citizens of India, as it was the day when India got freedom after many years of hard struggle by the freedom fighters of India. After independence, Indians got all the fundamental rights in their own Nation.

All the citizens feel proud to be Indian, and why not they should feel so, It took Sacrifices of lives of many freedom fighters and several decades of struggle till 1947. And On this day, India remembers those sacrifices given by its people for the freedom and prosperity of their country.

This freedom was not possible without the hardships of forefathers of Indian soil and its because of all those sacrifices today, Indian Citizens can enjoy the freedom and breathe fresh air without any occupation.

All the respected citizens of India today are well aware of all the Movements, Revolts, Gatherings, and all that was going on during these long years of journey. Keeping in view those Miseries during the trip, Sacrifices during Movements, Brutality during gatherings and all that happen during the period of British India, so I think it not odorous for the people of India to Understand the others who are under the same Adamant and Flake.

Yes, respected citizens of India, People of Jammu and Kashmir under the subjugation of your independent India are now prevailing under the same conditions of miseries and brutality. Each passing day the people in Jammu and Kashmir are being killed, including kids, students, Elders and women’s people there are being humiliated for what?

Just we want the Promise made to us (people of Jammu and Kashmir) to be fulfilled, and nothing else And instead of doing so our voices are being pressed on, and draconian laws like Public safety Acts are being slapped on us. From last more than 10 days, the world knows that Jammu and Kashmir are under Lockdown.

There is no communication system to contact with the people there, there no patient is allowed to reach the medical centres, the severe patients there are running short of medicines. Independent media is not allowed there, and whoever is raising the voices against the brutal and unjustified rule, there is being arrested harassed and murdered.

Be honest here and ask urself that in this 21st century if anyone of you is under the siege the people of Jammu and Kashmir are under now, and u r being snatched by internet, telephone lines and all networks, u r not being allowed to move outside on our own soil, you are not receiving any information via radio, tv and any communication media u are having as they are being blocked for u, at ur home u r running out of ur basic necessities, and ur nears and dears are having an emergency need of medical supervision but u r not being allowed to move out of ur place, your family members outside of ur place don’t know about u, and u don’t know about them who is alive and who is not what will be our reaction to all this?

I m writing all this to let each and every citizen of India know the reality and let the Ruination make unseen. Most importantly, I want to tell the student community of India that be well aware of the real situations prevailing and let Support the Truth.

So that the rampant difficulties of your fellows from Jammu and Kashmir will Abbess, and we will also live happy and prosperous lives like all you people do. We the People of Jammu and Kashmir are not Terrorists but the victims of terrorism.

So once again after celebrating this Joy-resounding day, let’s get ready to help in freeing the other people who are just in wait of the same day from years and have sacrificed so many lives including doctors, Engineer’s, and scholars for the same. The people of Jammu and Kashmir are seeing the ways of Glimmer and let you people show dignity and be in support of justice.

We are not being allowed let u people raise the voices on behalf of people of Jammu and Kashmir and let u people make it possible that regardless of creed, caste or party and religion everyone shall be safe and free in expressing their views and in voting on the question of the accession of the State. Let you people be the reason for smiles on the faces of more than 10 million people.

At the end I m sure that you may take the possible steps to make the situation get better and be in support of oppressors and make sure that all of us have right to live freely and let the people of Jammu and Kashmir also live freely by supporting our genuine and exact cause so that in the coming years we the people of Jammu and Kashmir may also celebrate our Independence day happily.


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