March 29, 2025


Syed Ali Gilani announced 10-point programme to counter Indian machinations

5. India will try to deprive us of our language using different ways and methods, but it is your responsibility to protect the language and pass it on to the next generation.

The 10-point programme announced by Syed Ali Gilani for Kashmiris to counter Indian machinations:

1. You will not, under any circumstances, sell your property including land, houses and shops, to any outsider or a non-state subject. Renting out property to outsiders also needs to be avoided.

2. Businessmen will have to evolve a consensus that they will not, in the name of business, enter into any such agreement with any outsider that would require them to sell their property to the outsiders.

3. Attempts will be made to entice and allure people to sell their property In the name of business, education, medical institutes and development, but people must not allow themselves to fall into this trap and they must outrightly refuse to sell their property under any such policy or scheme to the institutions and individuals coming from outside the state.

4. You must remain prepared and vigorously alert to protect your mosques, Khanqahs and Madrassas.

5. India will try to deprive us of our language using different ways and methods, but it is your responsibility to protect the language and pass it on to the next generation.

6. Urdu language, which has acquired the status of Islamic heritage for us, has been under constant attack from the government. They will try to rob us of Urdu but you will have to guard it as well so that our Islamic identity remains intact.

7. The occupation regime would use educational institutions for the ugly task of distorting and Hinduizing history. So you will have to make your own arrangements for the preservation and transmission of national history to the next generation. We will have to adopt such traditions and customs at our homes that would help keep the next generation abreast with the original history of Jammu and Kashmir. In the face of attempts at distorting the history, the preservation of real history is among your responsibilities.

8. The reality of the so-called elections has now become appallingly obvious. So you must never become part of any election drama in any manner and at any level.
Whether it is local bodies, municipal, assembly or Indian Parliament, participating in elections at any level ad in any manner is tantamount to betrayal of the nation.

9. The Muslim community of Ladakh, Jammu, Pirpanchal and Chenab valley have, despite their meagre resources, always remained firm in confronting the occupation forces and have irrigated the freedom sentiment with their blood. At this crucial juncture in our history, I offer my tribute to their unwavering courage and firm resolve. The people of Kashmir must remember their sacrifices at every stage of the resistance movement and make them part of all their efforts.

10. You have an obligation to look after and help those who have been adversely affected due to the ongoing movement, particularly the youth, the prisoners, the widows, the wounded and the handicapped. Those engaged in the battlefield must always remain in your prayers and you must remember that we all are the trustees of martyrs and you have to guard this trust.


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