March 29, 2025

Abrogation of 370 & 35A; special status to JK

Both India & Pakistan are on the same page in occupation, division, subdivision of JK & looting resources. It’s clear that in JK, you have to resist against your own occupied in your private area. POK & GB peoples can’t go there to help IOK peoples in any way.

After the birth of India & Pakistan, Maharaja Hari Singh, the last monarch of JK was willing to remain independent but was forced to offer conditional accession to India when his state was invaded by Pakistan & his non-Muslim citizen were being lynched by invaders. Since then, JK became a very profitable business company for both India, Pakistan & their local facilitators. Hence, long black & slave days of JK begins.

Article 35 a & 370 of Indian constitution are nothing else but the same laws formed & enforced by Hari Singh in 1924 to protect his citizens by giving them special status. These laws were codified later in the Indian constitution.

Yesterday, India abrogated special status of JK & now he is nothing more than just an occupier in Jammu Kashmir.

A debate has started after Indian decision & implementation by almost arresting all political leaders under curfew. Everyone is condemning this act of status abrogation which will for sure result in a change of demographical situation of JK by settling of non-state peoples within JK. India has divided his occupied area into two separate administrative regions, Jammu Kashmir & Ladakh.

It is, of course, a brutal way & many Indian political parties like CPI are opposing it by declaring it “unjust”. IOK leadership is not ready to compromise on anything which will result in change & division of JK state. I am sure they will resist as per their best capacity.

On the other hand in PaJK, Pakistan has suspended State Subject Rule from Gilgit Baltistan in 1950z then had a so-called pact named Karachi Pact in 1980 & declared same two separate administrative regions called AJK & Gilgit Baltistan. Like in IOK, there was no such condition & no one resisted against such illegal acts of division & subdivision of JK. Every one was & still keeps silent against Pakistani action but keep chanting just against India. Pakistan even tried multiple times to declared GB as his providence.

Both India & Pakistan are on the same page in occupation, division, subdivision of JK & looting resources. It’s clear that in JK, you have to resist against your own occupied in your private area. PaJK & GB peoples can’t go there to help IOK peoples in any way. Same, IOK peoples can’t help PaJK peoples. All needs to fight back their occupation in his respective area against his own occupier.

Unfortunately, PaJK peoples are not able to understand reality. They are not able to see the hypocritical role of Pakistan in their own area. They are not able to stand or even verbally oppose these acts of Pakistan but chanting for the liberation of IOK peoples. Pakistan, as usual, playing his hypocritical role by beating the old drum of “keep helping JK peoples” and now again trying to launch terrorist groups to defame JK’s national question & for his own proxy war against India.

It’s undeniable and evident that India & Pakistan are just using us JK peoples as “fodder” for their proxy war business. We need to have a loud voice in our own area against our individual private occupier if we peoples really want national freedom of Jammu Kashmir.


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