COVID-19 the mirror of capitalist system & JK sufferings
Independent JK will allow both India & Pakistan to come out from the arms race and to consider basic needs of their own poor fellow countrymen.
Independent JK will allow both India & Pakistan to come out from the arms race and to consider basic needs of their own poor fellow countrymen.
Peoples National Alliance (PNA) was formed in such circumstances where JK’s national hood was at stake. PNA is the only clear voice & hope for the restoration of Jammu Kashmir state & it’s reunification.
Both India & Pakistan are on the same page in occupation, division, subdivision of JK & looting resources. It’s clear that in JK, you have to resist against your own occupied in your private area. POK & GB peoples can’t go there to help IOK peoples in any way.
After so many sacrifices We JK peoples are still not even part of our own issue locally or internationally. We don’t have our political system or else. We just have Pakistani gun in our hand to keep up this proxy war.