Abrogation of article 370 & 35A by India resulted in the merger of Indian administrated JK into India. Now, ongoing debates about the Pakistani administrated parts of JK in same tones describing each and everything very clearly. What happened & what’s about to happen with Jammu Kashmir state is, no doubt, a result of mutual understanding & close coordination of both India & Pakistan.
Both countries are serving their own national interests with no consideration of JK peoples at any level. Both countries are playing the same roles with the same outputs but with different strategies. Since the beginning , prolongation of JK Issue was their core mission & now merger is an obvious motto. Religious sentiments & belief systems still being used as bases of division & subdivision of JK by both countries which practically paralysis & fragmented whole JK nation.
Majority of JK citizens, without any consideration of their political opinions & affiliations, are against the division of Jammu Kashmir. That’s the main reason for growing agitation against both countries in all parts of divide & subdivided Jammu Kashmir.
Peoples National Alliance (PNA) was formed in such circumstances where JK’s national hood was at stake. PNA is the only clear voice & hope for the restoration of Jammu Kashmir state & it’s reunification. PNA has a very clear stance on recent political developments in JK arguing about the national question of Jammu Kashmir.
PNA’s quit Jammu Kashmir movement being treated by Pakistan as a serious threatening call and they tried to put it off by all means and still trying to keep it under their control. National independence of Jammu Kashmir is not tolerable by both India & Pakistan, even in different discussions & seminars, non allowed to talk about national freedom of JK.
Ruthless oppression of India in IOJK is obvious and opposed by every JK citizen but Pakistan is playing usual hypocritical games to mislead JK peoples again & again.
By understanding this hypocrisy, PNA launched “Quit Jammu Kashmir Movement” with clear objectives as below:
1- India must restore JK’s disputed status. JK peoples will decide their future, not India or Pakistan.
2- As Pakistan claims himself our brother & advocate from decades, so he must reunify AJK & GB & form an independent constitutional assembly.
3- Pakistan must acknowledge JK as an independent state, open JK embassy in Pakistan & ask other countries, at least, OIC members to do the same. So that we JK peoples, can present/ fight our own case around the globe.
Above are PNA’s very simple and logical demands. Instead of appreciating & supporting it as he claims from the last 7 decades, he totally opposed it and even used force against PNA workers & leadership. Pakistan wants us not to talk about so-called AJK & GB but want us to keep chanting for IOJK only. This is very 1st time in 73 years that PNA is demanding IOJK peoples freedom as well as AJK & GB peoples freedom at the same time.
PNA’s demands are totally legal & moral. In this world of nations & states, none can deny the right of the national independence of any nation on this planet. Jammu Kashmir was existing even before the birth of India and Pakistan then what’s wrong to let these peoples live independently?

In such oppressive circumstances, PNA is the only real voice peoples are expecting something from. PNA Chairman, Zulfiqar Ahmed Advocate and other leaders pledged their allegiance to JK nation and repeatedly assured them that they will fight for the right till death.
Now, even pro Pakistani political parties’ leaders & workers are looking at PNA for any role. Fight for national freedom is obviously not so easy. It’s a very long, hard, sincere, organised and restless process and PNA is currently on gunpoint by both Pakistan & his puppet AJK government. But it’s clear that national independence struggles can’t be extinguished by force, humiliation & torture. Pakistan & India can’t stop JK peoples to love their own national hood & dignity.
PNA is not only fighting for the independence of JK but also fighting for the rights of Indian & Pakistani poor masses. Ammunition race in the name of JK consuming more than half of budget amount of both countries in the name of defence.
If there will be no JK issue there will be no such huge spendings and this money can uplift the life of poor & homeless citizens of both countries. It’s the need of the hour that both countries sincere, nationalist, peace lovers & educated citizens must stand beside PNA for the national freedom of JK.