February 10, 2025

The Economist entitled India “Intolerant” on its cover page

India has seen a sharp rise in religious and cultural intolerance since PM Narendra Modi took power last year. Since then, many things have been changed even the shining image to fascist image.

India has seen a sharp rise in religious and cultural intolerance since PM Narendra Modi took power last year. Since then, many things have been changed even the shining image to fascist image.

Now, one ow the leading Economic Journal of Globe The Economist has declared India as “Inteolerent India”. The cover page went viral on social media, and people from around the globe start commenting about the emerging intolerance particularly against the minorities in India.

The Economist writes on Jan 23rd 2020 “Last month India changed the law to make it easier for adherents of all the subcontinent’s religions, except Islam, to acquire citizenship. At the same time, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) wants to compile a register of all India’s 1.3bn citizens, as a means to hunt down illegal immigrants (see Briefing).”

“Those sound like technicalities, but many of the country’s 200m Muslims do not have the papers to prove they are Indian, so they risk being made stateless. Ominously, the government has ordered the building of camps to detain those caught in the net.”

After the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A unanimously by India and divided the state of JK into union territories India faced criticism. Demonstrations against this act took place in India and around the globe. BJP’s led prime minister of India Narendra Modi tried hard to soften the image of the country but couldn’t retain.

Indians are criticizing Modi for making India worse to live for minorities

“The sad truth is that Mr Modi and the BJP are likely to benefit politically by creating divisions over religion and national identity. Such subjects keep the party’s activists and their allies in Hindu-nationalist groups energised—always a boon, given India’s relentless sequence of state elections. They also distract attention from awkward topics such as the economy, which has struggled since the BJP’s thumping election victory last year. “

“Most important, Mr Modi seems to calculate that a sizeable minority of Indian voters are sympathetic to his constant insinuation that Muslims are dangerous fifth-columnists, always scheming to do Hindus down and sell out their country to Pakistan. That is enough to keep him in office. Because of India’s first-past-the-post electoral system and divided opposition, the BJP won its outright majority in parliament with just 37% of the vote.” The Economist writes.


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