Superstitions refer to any belief which is explained by supernatural causality and is in contradiction to science. The great setbacks to make a society ethically prosperous are superstitions. Subcontinent, especially India is Famous for superstitions. These superstitions are based on religion. Even the so-called liberated, scientific, educated, and modern minds also follow these superstitions. I have listed some of the most famous superstitions in India. Hinduism is possessing no. 1, Sikhism possesses no. 2 while the Muslims in the subcontinent are not far behind they possess no. 3. These days, religious rectification in the right way is of utmost importance for all of us. This article is about the top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma. First of all, I would like to share a recent example of the superstitious behavior of Indians. This article is about the top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.
A recent example of superstitious behavior in India:
India vs Australia semifinal: Anushka Sharma is guilty, another superstition
The fans of the Indian team were left shocked as the team was dumped out in the semifinal in Sydney Cricket Ground. Interestingly, the Indian public does not blame the Indian team for this but they are in the view that Anushka Sharma’s presence in Sydney Ground resulted in India’s defeat. If she would not have gone there, India might have won the match. Anushka’s presence diverted the attention of Virat Kohli’s and he could not play well. There are great agitations in India against Anushka. While doing this, people have completely forgotten the batting, fielding, and bowling of their team. You can enjoy some tweets against Anushka Sharma:
“I request to the public to boycott Anushka Sharma’s film. He is real Deshdrohi (Traitor) whoever will watch her film anymore”.
“I request to all the people to go and throw stones at the house of Anushka Sharma who is the main reason for the defeat of India”.
Anushka Sharma is now guilty of an undone crime or mistake. It is indeed a silly superstition. Let’s enjoy the other Indian superstitions.
10- Peepal Trees
Interestingly, even trees and plants are also considered to be lucky and unlucky for mankind in India. It is fact that trees are also worshiped in India. The peepal tree is considered to be the house of ghosts and spirits. One must avoid resting under this tree at night and even at noon because malicious ghosts and spirits will tease him/her. It is also believed that the “Munja” ghost resides in the peepal tree.
Scientific Fact: Peepal trees release a lot of carbon dioxide at night. The people who stay even for a while underneath these trees receive a lot of carbon dioxide and experience a deficiency of oxygen. This thing makes them believed that something is wrong with the peepal tree. This superstition is given no.10 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.

9- Eclipses
A solar eclipse is traditionally linked to a lot of superstitions in India. It is believed that the son is swallowed up by a demon and while this period one must not venture out. Pregnant women stay indoors to ensure that their babies are not born with any malformation. During the eclipse, pregnant women are not allowed to sew or cut vegetables. It is amazing that during eclipse some families avoid cooking and eating. Some people believe that eclipse would bring good luck for them if they take bathe in holy water bodies during or after the eclipse. This superstition is given no.9 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharm

8- Saturday’s Superstitions
Saturday is considered to be inauspicious in India. This day is called “Shanivaar” or the day of Shani Dev. Indians especially Hindus generally live under the fear of their planet Shani or Saturn. According to Hindu belief, one who is born under the influence of Saturn is predicted to live a life of bad luck. Monetary matters, social functions like marriages, and new businesses are not initiated on Saturday. People avoid cutting their nails and buying(Retail store) certain items on this day. Saturday is also called the day of hopeless people. This superstition is given no.8 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.

7- Eye twitching
This superstition is common in almost all religions in India but Hinduism is most prominent in this field. Eye twitching is something that almost all of us have experienced at one eye or the other. Several superstitions are associated with eye twitching: For example; if the right eye twitches, it is good for men. It is good for women if the left eye twitches. Amazingly, eye twitching is also implying that somebody is about to arrive. This superstition is given no.7 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.

6- Cutting nails, not sweeping after sunset, and Washing Hair
Superstitions are also associated with two simple daily activities; I mean cutting nails and washing hair. It is believed that one should not cut nails on Tuesday or Saturday. Washing hair is also discouraged on Saturday. It is also said that one should not cut nails after sunset. It is interesting that not sweeping after dark is also a mega superstition in India. It is also said a student should not wash their hair during the exam. Because doing so will ensure everything the student has learned will be washed away. This superstition is given no.6 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.
5- Lemon and chilies charm
While visiting India you will often find a string of lemons and chili hanging on the doorway of offices, homes, and shops. By doing this, it is supposed to ward off the evil eye and bring in good luck. Usually, one lemon along with seven chilies is threaded and hanged. This is considered that it will bring prosperity. Every Friday it is changed. People believe that by doing this, “Alakshmi” or the Goddes of Poverty will not tease them because this “charm” will keep away the Goddess of poverty who is considered to be inauspicious in Hind Mythology. It is believed that Alakshmi likes sour and spicy things. After eating lemon and chilies Goddess does not enter the homes or shops. In other words, this charm is appeasement to the goddess. This superstition is given no.5 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.
Bitter Truth: Despite hanging lemon and chilies, several hundred million Indians are living their lives under the poverty line. (Poverty in India)
4- Menstruation Myths
It is also a sad fact that menstruating women are considered unclean and dirty in India. This thing gives rise to many superstitious beliefs. The women experiencing menses are not allowed to enter the kitchen. They are forbidden to go to temples and all religious spots. During this period a woman is not allowed to perform regular household duties like cooking food, washing clothes, etc. This superstition is given no.4 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.
3- Widows are unlucky
The saddest superstition of India is that widows are considered to be unlucky and inauspicious. This superstitious tradition is still prevalent in India. In Hinduism, widows are not allowed to remarry. They have to wear a white dress(expensive dress) till the end of their life. They cannot wear jewelry. Even they cannot participate in festivities. On the other hand, widowers face no such social problems. It is also saddest that it is believed in Hinduism that if you are going out avoid seeing a widow otherwise you cannot accomplish your target. This superstition is given no.3 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.
This is the cruelest and saddest superstition in Hinduism that a widow is an unlucky woman and should be burnt with the dead body of her husband. Sati is defined as an act of burial or burning alive of a widow or any woman along with the dead body of her husband. This is a traditional superstition of Hinduism. Luckily, the practice of Sati was abolished in British India in 1829. Although it is illegal in India some incidents have been recorded in recent years. It is a part and parcel of some extremist Hindu sects. This superstition is given no.2 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.
An Example: On September 4th, 1987, Roopa Kanwar of Dworala village in Sikar, a district in Rajasthan was burnt to death on her husband’s pyre. She had been married for only 7 months. It was said that Roopa had tried to escape, but she was drugged and forced onto the pyre. She was 17 or 18 years old when she was burnt. (See Details of this saddest incident)

1- Human sacrifice
These days human sacrifices are not prevalent in India but rare incidents happen occasionally. It especially happens in rural areas. Interestingly, human beings have also been replaced by animals and birds(beautiful creatures of God). It is said that due to the pressure created by animal rights groups animals were replaced by a human. It is alleged that some cases often go unreported or are covered up. This superstition is given no.1 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.

1- In 2006, a boy was kidnapped and killed by a woman and her two sons to cure her nightmares in Uttar Pradesh State. She was advised by a witch doctor to do so.
2- In 2009, a childless couple was advised by a tantric to sacrifice eleven children. The couple(imp questions) managed to kill five children by poising. A sixth child survived the poisoning. They were arrested before completing their desired score of eleven children.
3- A mutilated body of a girl was found in a district of Chhattisgarh. She was suspected to have been killed under the belief that it would ensure a better harvest. That’s why this superstition is given no.1 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.
Extra Examples:
11- One rupee (Money is presented in 0dd no.)
The traditional gift to give at the wedding and other specific occasions is money. The amount of money presented should end in 1 (one). In other words, not even no. but an odd number. Interestingly, this thing is considered to be auspicious to add one rupee to the amount you want to present. These days wedding (girls want) envelopes have come ready-made with one rupee coin in or on them. People often offer eleven rupees at temples or “Gyarah Rupay Ka Parsad”. It is said that an extra rupee will bring good luck. This thing is common in Hindus and Sikhs. Even one of the famous Muslim sects also believes in “Gayarhveen Shareef” in which eleven rupees are presented. This superstition is given no.11 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.
12- ‘Nazar Darna’s
To get rid of the effects of the evil eyes, there is a tradition in Hindus which is called “Nazar Utara”. It is believed in India that the evil eye causes damage to the person towards whom it turns. The evil eye can cause illness, bad luck, and other problems. To avoid the bad effects of the evil eye, a small spot of kajal on the forehead or behind the ear of children can be seen in the rest of India. Amazingly, it is done even to people who look hardly attractive. The logic behind this traditional process of “Nazar Utara” is that by doing so children look ugly(Dogs) and unattractive to the evil eye. This superstition is given no.12 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.
13. There are thousands of superstitions in India that cannot be covered in this article. For example; Godmen and faith healers like Bapu, Bhagat, Shastri, Swami, Baba, guru, etc. The above-cited religious people are often worshiped by their followers as Avatars or living Gods. This superstition is given no.13 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.
14. Many people, mostly in villages, believe that witchcraft and black magic is effective. This superstition is given no.14 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.
15. Animal and bird scarification even sometimes human sacrifice is seen as common in India. The only cow is regarded as a sacred animal to worship. Its Urine is drunk early in the morning and its dung is fondly eaten as medicine to get rid of diseases. This superstition is given no.15 in this list of top 15 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.
16. It was reported on September 21, 1995, that Ganesha had begun to drink milk. This superstition is given no.16 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.
17. While doing this, Nandi and Shiva also followed Ganesha in drinking milk. These days, there was a great shortage of milk. Milk prices began to increase rapidly. Govt. deputed police to maintain the supply of milk. This superstition is given no.17 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharma.
18. Superstitions at workplaces: In 2012, a survey was conducted. About 800 companies in eight cities were covered in the survey. It is interesting and sad that 61% of respondents admitted to believing in superstition and 51% admitted to the following superstition at their workplace. About 48% believed that these practices had a positive effect on their productivity. This superstition is given no.18 in this list of top 10 most famous Indian superstitions and Anushka Sharm.