February 10, 2025

The City of Widows – Kashmir | Indian oppression in Kashmir since 1989

Hundred people are missing still their wives, mothers, daughters and sister are waiting for them. the real truth of Indian occupied Kashmir.

An untold story of Indian Occupied Jammu Kashmir. Here is a documentary on the woman of Kashmir, who have lost their siblings, brothers, husbands, sons, fathers and family member.

The women’s who are also called half widows, Who is responsible? who has been working behind the scene, to whom and for whom they are seeking freedom?

The City of Widows in Jammu Kashmir.

Hundred people are missing still their wives, mothers, daughters and sister are waiting for them. the real truth of Indian occupied Kashmir. A real face of the army and proxy war on both sides. this will make you cry


What is the best Solution of Jammu Kashmir Dispute?