March 29, 2025

Feature Stories

Children of a lesser god

Children of a lesser god

If we see the horrible facts and figures of Kashmir, approximately 100,000 people have died since 1989. According to Kashmir Media Service 158,205 people have been arrested 107,780 children have been made orphans, 27739 people have been injured brutally since July 2016 and 10298 people have been wounded by pellets.

Know Kashmir and the happenings there?

Know Kashmir and the happenings there?

India in the arrogance of power is brutalizing the people of Kashmir, and the fact is it is never going to get any solution and if the people of Jammu and Kashmir are raising the voices against the tyrannical rule of India the killings or the least is Imprisonment as the form of punishment. There are gross human rights violations in Kashmir so India should stop its brutality in Kashmir and as a concerned citizen of the State we request to:


What is the best Solution of Jammu Kashmir Dispute?