WHO | The Virus May Never go away
Without a vaccine, he said it could take years for the population to build up sufficient levels of immunity to it. “I think it’s important to put this on the table,”
Without a vaccine, he said it could take years for the population to build up sufficient levels of immunity to it. “I think it’s important to put this on the table,”
He is also referred to as saying ‘If Indian authorities of occupation think that by hanging me they can crush the Kashmir struggle they are mistaken. The struggle actually will start after my hanging.”
India has seen a sharp rise in religious and cultural intolerance since PM Narendra Modi took power last year. Since then, many things have been changed even the shining image to fascist image.
According to Quds Press, the gathering said in a statement that the number of the martyrs was similar to the number of Palestinians killed each year over the past five years.
Peoples National Alliance (PNA) was formed in such circumstances where JK’s national hood was at stake. PNA is the only clear voice & hope for the restoration of Jammu Kashmir state & it’s reunification.
Most of the towns near LoC are empty now. “We have found only six houses with families in the Sharda Town,” a social worker told me. Almost, 40 Percent are assumed to have been left the valley. “There is uncertainty, people are leaving daily, the ratio increase in the day after firing.
5. India will try to deprive us of our language using different ways and methods, but it is your responsibility to protect the language and pass it on to the next generation.
If we see the horrible facts and figures of Kashmir, approximately 100,000 people have died since 1989. According to Kashmir Media Service 158,205 people have been arrested 107,780 children have been made orphans, 27739 people have been injured brutally since July 2016 and 10298 people have been wounded by pellets.
They tried to stop her but she kept on running. One of her neighbours told her that these were Hindus taking revenge from Muslims by killing and ransacking and vandalizing their properties.
Tensions in Kashmir, the disputed Himalayan region divided between Pakistan and India but claimed by both in its entirety, have escalated in recent weeks following a decision by New Delhi to downgrade the Indian-administered area’s semi-autonomy.